Allowing "Sub" Tool Boxes

Tara’s iPad
Tara’s iPad Posts: 1
edited November 21 in Product Ideas & Feedback

Right now my tool box is overloaded with individual themes. The idea is to allow tool boxes to be titled as a category and then within that category you can have your items. Similar how layers can be structured. It would allow for a more organized approach and less clutter.

11 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Shaya Birnbaum
    Shaya Birnbaum Posts: 39
    Answer ✓

    @Tara’s iPad, you can do this with Profiles. Just create profiles for each category and only show the relevant toolboxes.

  • While @Shaya Birnbaum's solution is good for when you are using different toolsets for different projects, I imagine there are people with far too many toolsets to fit on one screen. Setting up sub-toolsets in an expandable tree format would probably help a lot of users.

    @Marco M can we make this a voting post?

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 160

    Able to vote!