Markup's hidden by a flattened new object still showing up in searches.
Hello, i flattened some new markups over the old ones however when I search with CTRL + F the older items still hit. How can I make sure these older markups are removed? I cannot delete them since theyre also flattened. See below for examples.
Used the image search to find AE yet this is what is shown in the actual search.
The inverse can be seen here. Im searching for the text "DE" which adds a markup up this new AE.
Best Answer
@Luke Shiras has a good idea there.
I would suggest UNFLATTENING to delete old markups before overlaying them with others that you intend to flatten. Unless there is some reason to keep a markup that you are overlaying… IF that is the case, consider saving an archive copy of the PDF before you delete anything from the file with which you intend to move forward.
Interesting. Maybe if the new markup has a solid background before flattening, it may not recognize the old markup.
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