Trying to open a studio project on android.
I'm an electrical contractor and I am working with a general contractor who manages their projects on studio. I have a core subscription to bluebeam cloud. How do I get the studio project to open in the bluebeam android app. I don't need to make any changes(I'm not authorized to do that) just need to be able to view and measure the files.
L'application android est très limité à ce jour et vous pouvez clairement seulement visualiser un un fichier dans une session et non en studio voir le sujet suivant:
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Are you signing into the Android app with the same credentials that were given access to the session with?
For example, we changed our work emails and there was a period where we had to use our old logins for old sessions and our new login for new sessions. Maybe you have a personal login and a work login?
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Hi @PEP Electric LLC thank you for your feedback. Access to your Studio Project files from Android will be available sometime early next year. We currently only offer access to Studio Project files from iOS devices at the moment.
@Dimitri ferrandiz the latest update today supports creating three types of markups in a Studio Session: Text, Arrow, and Rectangle. We are continuing to rollout more markup capabilites in the coming months, in addition to the ability to access files from Studio Projects.
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