Polyline Segment Export

we are looking for a program to create polylines with seperate measurement from segment to segment - so we found bluebeam. The next Challenge is to get the measurment of the segments into a *.csv
I finally found the marking list where i can find a export - but no split for the measurments of the segments - so I hope the community can help with this
Thanks in advance
If you are using the polylength measurement tool, you should be able to right click and split any or all of the segments.
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The Measurements column will then give you the lengths of each segment and total length.
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That is a nice workaround :) Thx @Ashley Cox, @Ryan Arbuckle
Is there a way to transform a area to a polyline?
When I open a plan bluebeam generates fields where it is easy to make a measure of the area a transform would be great, and along this I have a following question for the fields
Bluebeam make fields with the name of the rooms, when I make a measure of the are from a field it assigns the measurement to a room but soemtimes it doesn't assign it to a room. is there a way to assign a measurement to a specific room?
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