Layer quick access toolbar with dropdown list, AutoCAD style
As a long-time user of both Bluebeam and AutoCAD, I'd like to propose a feature that would significantly enhance layer management workflow: a dedicated layer toolbar with a dropdown list, similar to AutoCAD's implementation.
Layers are crucial to my workflow, both for markup organization and CSV export processes. While Bluebeam 21.3 has vastly improved layer stability compared to version 20, accessing and modifying layer assignments still requires more clicks than necessary.
The proposed toolbar would:
• Display the current layer of selected markups
• Provide a dropdown list for quick layer reassignment
• Streamline the markup organization process
• Reduce the number of clicks needed for layer management
This AutoCAD-inspired feature would benefit users who heavily rely on layers for markup organization and data extraction.
Ideally, this would be implemented as a complete layer panel overhaul, eliminating redundant layer controls and featuring a horizontal toolbar placement similar to AutoCAD (classic).
Just signed up to Bluebeam community to create a post similar to this. Assigning layers to markups becomes too cumbersome on larger projects. I usually layer by system and size of pipe/wire (electrical) so I'm having to create 50 layers. Assigning layers list also isn't alphabetical, at least make the list alphabetical!! Assigning layers with a dropdown would be incredible.
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