Revu and compatibility with windows multiple desktops / multitasking
I have an issue and I believe it is app specific, not a windows issue, where everytime I open bluebeam, it will switch the virtual desktop I am working in to the desktop where I have bluebeam open. Anyone else have this issue and able to resolve it?
Yes, I have the same issue. To get around this I have my Bluebeam marked as showing across all virtual desktops. I do agree that it would be nice that if you wanted to open a pdf in a virtual desktop that it would use the one that is in your active virtual desktop.
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I also have the same issue. I get around it by having two bluebeams open, one on each desktop. To open a PDF I then need to drag and drop it rather than double clicking.
It does work.. but having Bluebeam aware of multiple desktops would be awesome and much easier..
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