Autosize text box should account for text alignment
When autosize text box is used, it should account for the current alignment of the text that is being auto-sized. Currently, when auto size is used, the box always shrinks towards the upper left grip of the text. If the text is right-aligned, it should shrink towards the right so that the text does not move when the auto shrink is applied.
Hi @LeoM,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this, and we've taken note of your request. Could you share anymore detail about why you prefer right text alignment?
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to collaborating in the future.
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Hi, Alan. I don't necessarily prefer right-aligned text. Here is an example where this might be useful though. Let's say I have a stack of text boxes that all right aligned. If I edit the text in the right aligned text box and then autosize it, it will no longer be aligned to the right. See attached pictures.
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Thanks so much for this context!
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Of course, this should also act correspondingly for text that is center-justified, as well as for top/middle/bottom justification.
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I forgot to circle back, but this was addressed in Revu 21.3!
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