Revu Synchronize View Changes
For the next product update can you please add an option when editing PDF's in bluebeam sessions that allows you to choose which tabs you want to Synchonize a view with. For example, I tend to open 3-6 separate PDF drawings in a bluebeam session on multiple monitors. When I select Synchronize View all 6 pdf views move when I zoom and pan on the PDF. I do not want this to happen on all 6 PDF views only just two of the 6 PDF drawings. I use this a lot when looking at multiple pages of schedules on some drawings and looking at two separate plan drawings. A lot of times I only want the two plan drawings to be Synchronized at the same time as i move around the pdf but I don't want my schedule views moving around. I also can't open another instance of bluebeam session to avoid this as I can only have one bluebeam session opened at a time.
This would be nice. In the mean time, try opening two instances of Bluebeam.
Doc1 and Doc2 in one instance and synchronized.
Doc3-6 in the other.
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