Bluebeam Cloud - Measurements
We would find it highly valuable to be able to pull measurements on drawings uploaded to Cloud. This would allow guys in the field to be able to measure things on the drawings while in the field on their iPads. We currently only have iPads for our superintendents, and instead of them having to call into the office to get a measurement of a door opening for example, they could get the measurement themselves, saving everyone time.
Hey @Landon McKinlay, thank you for this feedback! Could you share more about what type of measurements you need to make and why? This could really help us out.
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It would be helpful to take length measurements. An example of this would be, I received a call from a superintendent this week to see what a door opening width is, as well as what a wall length was in an office room. These are things that should be able to be done on the cloud without having to waste each other's time.
Area would also be helpful. We would be able to get area measurements of siding, carpet, lumber for roof decking, all in the field. This would not only help us be able to complete take offs in the field to order material, but also allow us to verify quantities ordered that are ordered by people either in the office or in the field to confirm we are not over or under ordering.
perimeter/polylength would be great to have for the same reasons as the above. We have to order a lot of wainscotting and FRP materials, and it would be great to get these quantities on the cloud.
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