.jpg files
Please make it easier to view photographs in Bluebeam. It would be nice to at the least to view thumb nails. If you have a large number of pictures it is impossible to download them all at once.
If you could create a way to view them in a phot album version or any version in a timely easy manner, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Hi @Carolyn. Could you use the Capture Tool (RC on a markup —> Capture)? Then, you could place numerous images cleanly in an album. Clicking on the Capture icon will open the image(s) and give you the ability to export to a folder.
The Markups List also provides access to exporting Capture media.
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If these are image markups and not capture media, a trick to exporting all of them is to go to File > Export > HTML. Doing this will create a folder with all of the image files. This will also include images that are part of the PDF content.
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This discussion has been moved from Product Ideas to the Tips & Tricks topic to gain more comments and visibility. However, our Product Team is aware of this feedback and will make any necessary adjustments.
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