Studio: Select Multiple and Download
Although the feature where you can download a whole folder or project is very useful, there are time where I need to select a specific set of files and download. Would be very helpful to add a context item when multiple are selected for this purpose
Method for data capture to create reports
Create a method to create a report from capturing data on plans such as e.g. total square footage, construction type, occupant types, occupant load, total floors, total doors, total windows. this could be applied to every discipline e.g. mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire e.g. total units, total appliances, total exit…
Auto export button layers to PDF document.
Hello, Is it possible to create an auto export button to create a separate PDF document from all the separate layers. We now do this manually within our company to attach these estimation plans to our quotation as attachments. In sales phase, we do not want to release all our measurement data that we use in bluebeam. This…
PAdES Compliant Electronic Signature Creation Support (ideally PAdES B-LTA)
At the moment, Bluebeam Revu supports only signing using a (qualified) electronic certificate in compliant with ISO 32000-1, but it is not compliant with ETSI EN 319 142. Bluebeam Revu does not generate eIDAS PAdES compliant electronic signatures. This makes all signature in the PDF files generated in Revu of questionable…
PDF/A3b Support in Revu (building consent does not allow to submit other than PDF/A3b standard)
At the moment, Bluebeam Revu only supports conversion to PDF/A1a or PDF/A1b (if all fonts embedded). However, it does not support conversion to PDF/A2b or PDF/A3b, while PDF/A3b is the required format for building consent submission in i.e. the Czech Republic (other formats are not allowed for building consent…
Layer Info with saving tool defaults
It would be helpful if the layer info saved to the tool when you save defaults. We have companywide toolsets that contain layer info, but some of our users prefer hot key commands. It would be nice if setting there commends to the applicable defaults did not mess with the intent of our layer logic.
Cloud+ Additional Box
When you have multiple areas that you need to box/cloud with one comment, have the option like adding another leader.
Built-in feature designed to automatically verify the presence of text from a table.
Bluebeam Revu does not have a built-in feature specifically designed to create a table and automatically verify the presence of text lines within a document. However, you can manually achieve similar results through a combination of Revu's tools and features: Create the Table: Use the Text and Line tools to manually create…
Addtional Options Beyond "Restrict Users" (domain based)
I'd like the ability to allow access to projects to everyone within our organization without specifically inviting them to every project. Essentially, the equivalent of the "Anyone in the organization" option within most Microsoft products. The other options would be to allow wildcards (*@domain.com) within the user…
Improve Tablet performace for Surface Pro 10 Business
I have been using Bluebeam on the new surface pro 10 for business for the past few months. Desktop editing with two 28inch monitors, mouse and keyboard are ok with this device. I have tried taking PDF's to job sites using Bluebeam to mark them using the surface pro 10 and the interface for pinch to zoom and writing is a…
Digital Signatures in a Session
Hi - would it be possible to add a feature where digital signatures could be applied in a Session? We run into issues when large drawing sets need to be signed by outside consultants and so far our only work around has been to upload to OneDrive and have each consultant download, sign and reupload so the next one can do…
Text Support for Ctrl+Backspace in Revu
Hello! For Bluebeam Revu, I would love to see support for Ctrl+Backspace to delete entire words at a time within text boxes. This allows for more efficiently/precisely deleting text to use better wording. This behavior is very common in any text box across various websites and programs. Also, this shortcut is widely used…
Mastering Revu in Record TIme
In this Webinar the presenter used Page Region to create Thumbnails. Then created Bookmarks from Page Label generated with Page Region in Thumbnails. He then exported the Bookmarks in an index with hyperlinked and used it as a first page in the PDF binder. The problem with that, and you can rewatch the webinar and see the…
All Layers On/Off
I do a lot of markups on plans and it would be handy to be able to just click all layers on/off instead of unselecting up to 20 layers one at a time if I want to clear the plans.
New Window via Link Click
Instead of changing the current window to the Linked Page open a New Window to view the link Example: A201 has a link to 1/A501 detail. Open the Detail 1 on A501 in a new Window instead of the current method of changing the current window