Bluebeam Cloud app scrolling page to page direction
On the new bluebeam cloud app the scroll page to page is a side swipe like turning pages of a book. However, we are all used to using the page scrolling on Bluebeam Revu by scrolling down. Why would there not be consistency between the app and the full desktop application?
Give Bluebeam the ability to print what you see on the screen
Why can't Bluebeam print to the printer exactly what I see on the screen. (like almost all software on the planet). The only way is for me to make a Snippit of the screen and send that to the printer. See markup below. What I have selected to view is not what's printed. What should take minutes instead takes hours having…
Filter Bookmarks with a Search Bar
A drawing PDF could contain hundreds of bookmarks. It would be useful to have a built-in search function in the bookmark panel to quickly find and filter bookmarks, allowing us to locate specific sheets more easily.
Revu - Lockdown Settings
Looking for a feature that would allow for settings to be set by IT on install and retrospectively on already installed versions. For the settings set by IT they would also not be changeable by end users. This has stemmed from a requirement to ensure that Revu settings can be configured similar to those for Adobe…
Sessions Record Filter
It would be beneficial if the filter on the Sessions Records window could be enhanced to include a current and/or opened documents option. It can be time-consuming finding mark-ups for a document you are interested in, if there are a few documents in the session being marked-up simultaneously. The Markups List is helpful…
Navigation Bar Page Number Width
Is there a way to reduce the width of the page number field? It seems to be wasted space. As a result of this field being so wide, the "Next Page" icon gets buried when my Bluebeam window is in a reduced/condensed view. It's a hassle and quite slow to click a "down triangle" and then hover over to the next page button to…
Please add subfolders for documents within sessions
Please add folders within sessions for document organization. This will make navigating to the documents within a session cleaner and easier as documents within a session can add up and be cumbersome to have to search through to find what the user is trying to open. This feature would be greatly appreciated by all. Thank…
Placekeeping in the Markups list
I would really like it if the markups list would remember where I was when I click away and back to a pdf. I often open two PDFs, one with markups and another with the changes drafted in. As I go down the list of markups verifying they are complete, I have to click back and fourth. When I do, Bluebeam "forgets" what markup…
Add 'Synchronize Scroll' view option
I'm running into a problem where I am trying to review a construction schedule, and the creator hasn't made any efforts to improve legibility. It's very difficult to review Gantt chart bars at the right half of the page and be zoomed in far enough to read the item and dates on the left side. I realized it would be very…
Hatching in polylengths
I do concrete takeoffs in polylengths to get LF of wall. The markup is often 30-50 units of thickness. It would be nice to apply a concrete hatching to the line to make it more visually appealing. The current options of making the line different kinds of dashed are not very exciting.
Create 3D model from measurements
With an architectural(any) plan, as I create a measurements most of the needed properties for a 3d model are there. From here you can allow a 3d view of measurements and export a BIM file. Once adopted, subcontractors could provide a BIM for tender clarifications and as built via Bluebeam
Change Case command for Text
I would appreciate having a "change case" command for text markups. It's frustrating when markups have a mix of upper-case and lower-case notes. Consistency would be really helpful when sending mark-up documents to contractors and owners.
Restrict Cursor to Specified Angles
When annotating a drawing, holding shift restricts the cursor to only 90° and 45° angles. It would be beneficial to add an option that allows the user to select other standard angle intervals, e.g. 5°, 15°, 22.5°, and 30°. For example, if I am marking up an isometric drawing, I could navigate to Preferences > Tools >…
Tool Set Change Color
Add an option to change the source color of all tools in a tool set. A dropdown with change color from: XX, to: XX would be really useful for people who use the exact same tools but different color for each discipline or role.
ungrouping multiple groups at once
I use a lot of groups for copying and pasting , and mirroring objects on drawings. So i have a lot of groups that i use in these drawings. I however need to ungroup all of these groups so that the subjects in these groups can be sorted in the markings list. In some drawing i have up to 20 or 30 groups i need to ungroup. So…