Inserting Files
I am working on a large submittal package that I need to swap out groups of pages with updates. No matter how I try, it is frustratingly slow as in up to 10 minutes. My current process is to delete the old files and drag the new ones over. Does anyone have suggestions?
Mac user desperate for help signing into Revu with a Parallels install
I am running Bluebeam 21. I have it installed on Parallels for mac. I have been using this same setup for several years, but just got a new computer and am trying to set it up the same way. But when I click Sign In, the button just blinks. It doesn't let me actually sign in. The dialog box does not appear. Please help! BB…
Is there a way to Batch Clear Signatures?
I have printed a set of plans that has over a hundred sheets and then I batched signed them. After signing them I realized one of the sheets did not print correctly so instead of reprinting the entire set again, or clearing the signatures one by one, I want to clear all my signatures with one quick command so I can swap…
Use custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Create a few custom keyboard shortcuts for your most used tools or commands. Not too many, otherwise its hard to remember all of them. I had problems with overlapping Markups. Therefore I use F1 to hide all markups with a single button, even while using different tools, without anything in the way. After completing the…
Bluebeam prompting to save after opening file when no changes have been made
Whenever I open a pdf file, an asterisk (*) appears next to the file name as if a change occurred. But no changes have been made and I do not want to save. Ive tried Settings > General > Reset Hidden Messages, but this doesnt seem to work. Has anyone come across this before? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Copy and Paste multiple measurements
We use a "perimeter" measurement for calculating the total length of saw cuts in a concrete slab. Depending upon the size of the building there may be 40 or more of them. Tada, the Architect updates the drawing and the new drawing has to be marked up. I am able to copy and paste one measurement at a time. Is there a way to…
Feature Highlight: Adding Actions to markups
This week, we're highlighting how to add Actions to markups in Bluebeam Revu! PDF markups can be configured to perform certain actions when clicked, like jumping to a specific location in a document or opening another file when you add an Action. In addition, Tool Chest tools can be configured to create markups with…
Colouring lines
I have a black PDF piping diagram and want to colour all the different types of pipes. Eg potable water = Blue, RO water = red, Sewer = green. How do I do this please.
Locked File Issues? Me Too!
Have you ever opened a file and tried to do some annotations and takeoff and it was locked with no permissions for the viewer? Are you unable to even print it to a .pdf or affect any change to it? Boooooo! Me Too. Looking for a workaround? I Found One! Aaaannnd, You're welcome. — If you have a other workaround, please…
Electrical Plans
Hi All, How is everyone tackling creating their own electrical plans ie power and lighting? Are there any tips or tricks that you can share? Apart from what's already on the program are there any other symbols we can download? Thankyou, Michael
Can you total a legend of different sources into One figure?
I've been away from Revu for a few years and just picking it up again. I am getting pretty frustrated that I can't find out how to enter a total for my legend at the bottom of my legend's individual source quantities. (this probably isn't a new thread, again just couldn't find anything and I'm wasting loads of time).…
Is maintenance no longer?
First I have to say that support is god awful. 3 days since I sent an email for support and nothing. 2 days ago I sent sales a question. Nothing. on the phone holding for 40 minutes. Then it disconnected me. On right now for almost an hour. Nothing. Anyway, can someone tell me when renewing Revu its gone from Maintenance…
Creating Lines with repeated measured segments
Does anyone know if there is a way to create a line or measurement markup that automatically segments a line into predetermined length segment? For example…Drawing one line across a page with an indicator mark shown at every 10 foot segment.
Legend to Excel
Hello, I want to be able to export the information from a legend easily to Excel. I know you can export all the markups and work from there, but the legend has everything nicely summarized and I would like to manipulate the info more in Excel. I tried the File > Export > Excel Workbook > Page Region … but it clumps it into…
Is there a way to Convert Counts to Markups?
I've been trying to find a way to translate Counts to markups. I suggested it as an Idea in the Community, but has either gotten ignored or assumingly there may be already a way to do this. To get a better understanding on why I'm trying to chase the following: I work as a Project Engineering for an Electrical…