How can I convert an updated PDF into a drawing file?

Is there any way for that


  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 416

    Can you clarify what you mean by drawing file?

    I'm picturing a CAD file but maybe you want an editable pdf (vector file). I don't have answers for either format but understanding your needs helps others who may have an answer.

  • i want to convert it to cad file

  • Yes.

    • Select the page you want to import into CAD from the thumbnails view panel.
    • Right Click, select Extract Pages.
    • Import to CAD.

    I use AutoCAD, so peruse your options… choose ones (check boxes) like turning patterns or filled regions into HATCH, inferring linetypes, and joining lines and arcs at intersections.

    Play with it to make sure you get a clean CAD file in the end.


  • ~j

  • Yo @medhesh_008 Did this work for you?
