Selecting multiple control points
I often need to shift one section of a polyline when adjusting layouts. I need a feature that allows me to select two control points for example, and be able to shift one straight length of a polyline.
When I first started to work with Revu, I had a hard time adapting to the way Revu handles polygons. In e.g. AutoCAD you can drag a line instead of a vertex, which displaces the entire line, while keeping the orientation. The connecting lines then adjust accordingly. It is of course paramount that you can still use the [shift]-click-drag to maintain horisontal/vertical traction.
I will however, both display my lack of knowledge and praise a function I recently discovered. I am referring to the [shift]-click when editing a polygon, which removes or adds vertices to the lines. Initially a source of endless frustration and "un-dos", until I understood what was happening. :D1
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