BlueBeam Dark Mode Issue with Markups
When editing a text box, Bluebeam does invert the background color when editing. See the first screenshot (editing cloud.jpg), making it possible to see black text when editing in dark mode. When you double click to edit a callout (editing callout.jpg) in dark mode, the background doesn't invert, but the font does invert (text in callout.jpg). Not sure if this is a bug, but it makes it nearly impossible to create callouts with black font and white background in dark mode. For anyone with the same issue, you can use an alternate color and change the fonts to black when ready to flatten/export/save your document. Would love to have this fixed!
Thanks for the feedback! It looks like this is an issue that only occurs when you have black text, a white background, and fill opacity set to something other than 100%. If you set the opacity to 100% then it is easier to see the text. We will look into coming up with a fix for this.
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Thank you! Good to know about the opacity thing. Not sure why I've always used 90% opacity… but here we are finding bugs using it!
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This will be fixed in Revu 21.4
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