Linking Excel Cells to Bluebeam
Our company leans heavily into Just In Time project delivery. To support my field install team, I use bluebeam to create detailed logistics plans. I frequently have to manually update dozens of Bluebeam Text Box in these plans to reflect changes to shipping quantities/orders/dates etc. I would love to see tool that would allow me to tie my Bluebeam text boxes to my MS Excel procurement logs or truck loading plans, so that the bluebeam document could auto-update.
I imagine something similar to the Quantity Link feature, but where Quantity Link pushes takeoff data FROM Bluebeam TO Excel, this would push cell data FROM Excel TO Bluebeam.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help
Hi Rory,
Thanks for posting. This is a great suggestion and something we've been thinking through. There are most likely a number of ways we could address this but first and foremost we would want the solution to be easy to use and be valuable out of the box.
We'll be sure to keep this use case in mind as we consider solutions in the future. Thanks again for posting!
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