Layers that appear in the Layers section aren't in the markups section

System Posts: 3 ✭ Administrator
This discussion was created from comments split from: True or False: You can add layers to a PDF that's already in a Studio Session..


  • j_mcmanus23
    j_mcmanus23 Posts: 1
    edited September 18

    I have uploaded a batch PDF; I have noticed there are already layers that the Bluebeam software has picked up and added in the layer section. Please let me know if there is a quick and seamless way to perform these actions.

    Clarification: The Bluebeam layers that appear in the Layers section do not appear in the markups section. Why is that?

    Action 1: The action I am trying to preform is to measure all the double dashed lines on a page. I noticed that one of the layers that the Bluebeam software automatically picked up on is all of those doubled dashed lines that I need to measure. Currently, I isolate that layer and then use the measuring tool to measure all of those lines. What I am looking for is a shortcut. I would like to isolate those lines and then with one or two clicks tell BB to measure that particular layer. Is this possible?

    Action number two: On another page in the same document, the Bluebeam software picked up the layers of single dashed lines and double dashed lines automatically but combined them. Is there a way to split a preexisting layer and then preform the same action in action 1 of measure those lines separately and in a seamless fashion.

    Thank you in advance and look forward to your response.

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 112


    Moved your comment into a separate discussion.

  • For the first part of the question, the layers you're seeing in the PDF probably came from the authoring software (Autocad, Revit, etc..). The reason why they're not in the markups list is the markups themselves are not assigned to a layer.

    For the rest of the post, the answer unfortunately is simply, not an option today.

    Ken Phelps

    Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD