Enhanced color processing

I'd really love to see an upgrade for the color processing feature where you could:
- Color Process several pages at once. For instance a multi-page PDF
- Batch Color process
- Extract by colour (for instance just copy the content in a page that has a certain color)
- Transform to markup (removes the items in that color and pastes them as a markup instead)

11 votes

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  • I second color process several pages at once. You can colorize, gray scale, black & white etc. multiple pages, it just makes sense to also modify colors for multiple pages at once.

  • Totally agree with this. This seems like an obvious feature that should be available.

  • In addition to the features listed above:

    • Short cut key to launch dialog
    • Allow for multiple items to be selected prior to processing (i.e. snapshots grabbed and dropped)
    • defining frequently used process(es) (i.e. modify colors, black → red) and assigning to shortcut keystroke for quicker processing