Okta SCIM Support
I would like to request an enhancement to the existing Okta integration by adding support for Okta SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management). Implementing Okta SCIM would allow for automatic provisioning and de-provisioning of users and licenses, significantly reducing the administrative overhead associated with managing user accounts in Bluebeam.
This feature would ensure that user access is always in sync with our internal directory, improving security, and making the process of onboarding and offboarding users more efficient. The automation of these tasks would not only save time but also minimize the risk of human error, which is critical in maintaining the integrity and security of our user management processes.
We believe that the addition of Okta SCIM support would be a highly valuable enhancement for all Bluebeam customers who are leveraging Okta as their identity provider. It would align Bluebeam with industry standards and best practices in identity management and further solidify its position as a leading solution in the AEC industry.
Thank you for considering this request. I am confident that this feature would greatly benefit a significant portion of your user base and look forward to any updates regarding its potential implementation.
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