Add color CONTRAST to outside edge of Revu product
We need some color contrast on the outer edge of the product dialog. If one cannot recognize the edge of the product, it's then hard to resize, hard to know where to grab to move, and one can get confused with other apps that have the same or similar color which are underneath and partially exposed. This is a common occurrence!
In the attached image, a fine width line like yellow while in Dark mode would be appropriate, since the brighter yellow contrasts with the darker colors of the title bar and dark greys all around.
If you see the Microsoft Outlook dialog at the top (mostly covered), their app has a very faint edge, and that's what I think is appropriate, however - Outlook's contrast is not enough, since it's also very hard to find the edge of their dialog. Notice without the yellow line, there is no way to tell where the Revu dialog ends and where the Outlook dialog begins. That's the crux of this idea/feedback. Plus, the Outlook Search box appears like it could be part of Revu's product, but it belongs to Outlook.
Thanks for your consideration!
That would be great.
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