Wildcard & logical operators for search

Extending the search capabilities with logical and wildcard operators would be very useful. Search is a bit basic.

3 votes

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  • This would be so helpful, especially if it supported search with standard regex.

  • Agree. I would like the ability to use operators like "near" so that I can search for instances of one word near another. For example, "apple" near "tree". I do not want to search for "apple tree" but instead cases where the word "apple" is found near the word "tree." The results could be scored by proximity. The closer to each other, the higher the ranking in the results.

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 243

    While this would be very handy for searching drawings or text boxes that contained both words, searching a whole document (spec book, contract, novel, etc.) would be a nightmare from a coding point of view. How close would "apple" and "tree" need to be to count as a positive match?

    I think a more realistic solution would to search for multiple words and highlight them in different colors so you can visually see when they are near each other. This also makes me think about how sometimes "tree" will come before "apple" and would be what you're looking for too.