Import - Ctrl + F3
Dear All,
I have to highilight that the function "Import" is missing into the MARKUP tool bar option. The only way to use it is only with the Ctrl + F3 keyboard shortcut and only if is already in the user's previous knowledge.
The precence of the button into the ToolBar would help users in knowledge (almost impossible in this way) and in identifying this function in a performant way.
thanks in advance,
Best Regads,
Stefano Tattarletti
I had a look, and I agree that I can't see it there, and I am unsure if I can add it to a new Toolbar.
I feel that it's in an intuitive location, but it requires a few clicks to get there.I talked to someone today about Importing data from many files. I plan to look at Scripting for Importing Markups and then incorporate that into a button and even a Bulk Script Import Markups workflow. I don't know if this will work, but it's worth trying!
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