Entering the same text in multiple form fields

I utilize a lot of repeatable text in form fields. When a number is involved, I can use calculate and have the boxes auto-fill with the number from the original box. When I use text, I cannot do that. I would like to be able to enter the text in one box and have it auto-fill to the other boxes. Can this be done today? If not, could it be added? Most of my PDF work is with Text.

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  • If you give Form Field Text Boxes the same exact names, then they will all be updated if any one of them has their text updated. Hopefully this solves your problem!

  • I've used this feature to create a drawings set template with a title block. Any repeated information from page to page has a form field with the same name. What I need now is to be able to copy/duplicate the blank page and have its title block retain the given names. Instead, they get appended with an index number. This ends up isolating the pages from the duplication process. Its cumbersome to go edit every page's form names. Can something be done about this?