Session File Name Colors
With dozens of files in a session with various versions (despite efforts to keep concise) it would be helpful to be able to color the file names to any color so the latest can be a bright color, and older grey. This would be like coloring bookmarks with a PDF on your desktop. Anyone with full control in a studio environment should be able to color however they want, we don't need a lot of security for this. This idea could be applied to Projects and not just Studio. Yes it's not the same as editing a bookmark color on your desktop due to being in a studio environment.
Since we can put a man on the moon, perhaps we can get a color for a file? 😀
Thank you for all your hard work!
FYI, I've been using Revu since it was Pushbutton in 2004. So this request comes from years of making requests, 90% were integrated prior to Bluebeam being bought out more recently.
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