Simple Request? - Remember Me @ Revu Login

Hey guys, as much disdain as I have for being obligated to "upgrade" to a cloud based SaaS device versus the version I've owned for years, I get the market flow. Seeing as how I only have this software installed on one computer, can we have a "remember me" added to the log in? My email and password are both fairly long, so not having to re-enter those fairly frequently on the only device I use would be a convenience

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  • Braddock
    Braddock Posts: 1

    YES!!!! Blue Beam / REVU or whatever they want to be called is supposed to make my job easier..

    I spend 30 minutes this morning wrestling with PDF viewers /editors.

    I gave up on Adobe because it can't seem to handle large drawing files - probably the AI features…

    Decided to use Revu, but since it's been about a week or two since last opened, I had to enter my password, which apparently was not correct or had been changed since I last "wrote it down" - yes I have to do that because of so many @#$S% passwords required to do work. I finally had to reset my password - So aggravated I need to take a calm down break before I can get any work down 😡

    Please add the "remember me" option to the login pop-up.

    Thank you.