Any Tips for Dynamic Fields in Tools or Editable text in Stamps?
Hi There,
I have been working on some standard tools and stamps for my firm and I seem to be running into the limits of both tools and stamps. What I want is a tool/stamp (either is fine the functionality is what we need) that has some dynamic fields and some editable text that a user can double click into to edit. What I am finding is that stamps are only dynamic/editable at the moment they are placed, so I can add radio buttons with Java Script, or automatic names and dates, but after the stamp is placed it is functionally locked, and a user cannot change the stamp. On the other side, I can nest text boxes in a tool so that users can double click to edit text fields, but there is not a way to embed any dynamic functions such as automatic user name and date fields.
Has anyone found a work around? I saw a post from about a decade ago suggesting embedding a stamp within a tool, but when I tested that, the stamp matched the first time I placed, date and user name did not update with subsequent placements.
Today we don't support a way for custom logic to run on stamps after they have been placed as you have found. I am curious what the scenario is as to why the stamp needs to be updated after it has been placed? In the future we are looking to support JavaScript for markups in addition to form fields which might help this situation, but at this time we don't have any specific dates to share. Thanks for the feedback.
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Thank you Peter! I work in an architecture office and it is very common for us to need to edit information on things like submittal review stamps after they have been placed but before they leave the office. Our users think about the stamps like physical stamps, where they would stamp the document, and then may "pencil-in" information before inking the final response. It is a normal part of our workflow to have documents reviewed before leaving the office, and it is not intuitive for our users to need to re-place a stamp when they need to edit only a single data point. For example, a submittal review stamp may be placed with all of the information filled out and marked as "revise an resubmit" after review a more senior colleague may find that the submittal does not need to be resubmitted, but changed to "furnish as corrected" - or some similar scenario. Our users place text boxes over top of stamps as a work around which is clunky. I've switched us to using tools so that there is fillable information on the submittal "stamps" (they are actually tools now and not stamps) but our users liked having automatic date and name fields filled - as it is one less thing for them to think about.
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