no browser pls

dont have browser in blue beam

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Which version of Revu are you currently using? Is the button missing from the Menu (Window —> Webtab)? The hotkey for it is CTRL+T, does that work?

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 426
    edited August 2024

    I think they want links to open in a standalone browser instead of inside Bluebeam. I'm sure there's a simple solution for this but I haven't looked into it before.

    UPDATE: see follow-up comment below.

  • Follow-up to what @JA - MCR was saying…

    1. Open the Bluebeam Preferences menu by either selecting the "Revu" option on the top left corner menu, then selecting "Preferences," or by pressing Crtl+K.

    2. Once in the "Preferences" menu, select "Window," then select the "WebTab."

    3. Here, uncheck the box that says "Open PDF Hyperlinks in WebTabs."

    Using CTRL+T didn't work for me.