Add an option on markup summary to export only pages with markups

Currently, if you mark "Include PDF hyperlinks" on the markup summary, the system exports all the pages in the original file even if the pages option is set to the specific pages with markups.
We love the hyperlink feature, but it is annoying to have to send the applicant 100 pages when only 20 have markups.
This might be a little bit of work but might be a method to get what you want.
After the PDF has been reviewed and you have your markups done. From the markups list hit CTRL+A to select all the markups. You'll then notice in the Thumbnails panel, only the sheets that have markups will have the blue outline around them. Right click on one of those sheets and choose Extract. The pages field should be automatically referencing just the sheets that are marked up. Create the new file and then run the summary and append to hyperlink the markup summary on that new file.
I think what you're running into is that the append and hyperlink will add the summary to the back of the current pdf. Which will be the entire pdf. So the method above will strip it down to the markup pages only, then they hyperlinking should be limited to exactly those sheets and nothing else.
Couple extra steps, but should work.
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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