Notification When License Is About To Expire
I have several users who are opening BlueBeam and finding their license has expired. I want to make a suggestion that BB opens a pop-up stating, "Expiration To Expire In X Days." Starting with 14-days and continues counting down until it states, "License Expired". See attached example.
I totally agree with this kind on improvements in order to avoid future issues and delays.
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They did just implement a 7-day grace period for when that license expires, but a warning would be nice to stay ahead of it. Not every firm has a quick payment process!
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I agree with this. Maybe the user cannot renew the license, but they can reach out to whoever is in charge of it and make sure this gets completed before they lose access.
Project Manager/Estimator/IT
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That message should have a link to re-up.
Also, the website needs to have a renew button next to the license. The columns should be
Name, Contract, Account Buyer, Account, Plan, Nu of seats, End date - OUTSTANDING PAYMENT DUE, PAYMENT RADIO BUTTON.
or something like that.
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