Reallow entry to a Session
Has anyone come across (specifically with internships) where a person was:
- invited to a Session a year ago, but
- their Bluebeam account was deactivated when they left, and
- have since rejoined and reactivated or created a new BB account
And now they can't get into a session that they had been a part of because it says they are "Denied," and their name is greyed out (so we can't change their access).
Is there any way to fix this?
To my knowledge no. I had a New Zealand client ask me this question last week.
BUT! I don't feel that I should have the final word. There could be a clever workaround that enables the Denied user to re-enter.The ideal situation is that if an Admin invites them, that will negate any previous denials. I could be wrong, but I think that this is a feature request.
Good luck and I will be watching this space 🙄2 -
📢UPDATE: I did talk to Support, and they did confirm that "DENY" is a permanent thing. Not even Bluebeam Support can reverse this.
The only solution I was given was to have the person be invited with a different email address.
I would love to have an Admin have the ability to reallow in a future update!
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