Built-in feature designed to automatically verify the presence of text from a table.
Posts: 1
Bluebeam Revu does not have a built-in feature specifically designed to create a table and automatically verify the presence of text lines within a document. However, you can manually achieve similar results through a combination of Revu's tools and features:
- Create the Table:
- Use the Text and Line tools to manually create a table within the document or on a separate PDF page. You can draw lines to form the table's structure and add text annotations for the headers and rows.
- Text Search:
- Use the Search function in Bluebeam Revu to search for specific text strings in the document. You can access this feature from the left panel by selecting the "Search" tab or by pressing
. - In the search bar, enter the text string you want to verify. Revu will highlight occurrences of the text in the document, allowing you to quickly check if each line in your table appears in the document.
- Use the Search function in Bluebeam Revu to search for specific text strings in the document. You can access this feature from the left panel by selecting the "Search" tab or by pressing
- Batch Processing:
- While Bluebeam doesn't directly support batch verification of multiple text strings against a table, you can perform multiple searches sequentially. This involves entering each line's text string into the search bar one by one and noting the results.
- Markups and Comments:
- As you verify each line, you can use markups or the Markups List to note whether the text was found. For example, you can use a checkbox or status markup to indicate verification status.
- Reports:
- If you are tracking multiple findings, you can use the Markups List to generate a report summarizing the results. This can be exported as a PDF or CSV file for further analysis or record-keeping.
While these steps require some manual effort, they can effectively help you verify the presence of text in a document relative to a reference table.
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