Mastering Revu in Record TIme
In this Webinar the presenter used Page Region to create Thumbnails. Then created Bookmarks from Page Label generated with Page Region in Thumbnails. He then exported the Bookmarks in an index with hyperlinked and used it as a first page in the PDF binder. The problem with that, and you can rewatch the webinar and see the error, is that the hyperlinks are now all offset of 1 page when adding the Page Index at first page.
I also notice that you cannot generate the page index in the Landscape orientation. It just keeps plotting in Portrait
After watching that, I don't see the benefit to including the page numbers but the links still work. Personally, I prefer Batch Link so that all my callouts and the Sheet Index take users to the corresponding sheet.
FYI - Making page labels starts at 8:20 and exporting the bookmarks starts at 12:45
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Hi @Philippe Lanthier! I do understand the page numbers shifted, but clicking the links still takes you to the correct location. Perhaps I could have illustrated this using Tree Style without page numbers. The intent was to show one way to navigate, while not necessarily reliant on page number. Additionally, the Index could go to the end of the document if worried about page numbers. I hope this helps!
Great news! Under settings, you can orient the Summary to Landscape.
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The PDF will still be in Portrait orientation after selecting Landscape.
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