Changing default color for spaces

It would be very helpful to have a feature that allows you to change default color for spaces. The default is blue and it makes the markups in the spaces more difficult to see. The color can be changed, but it must be done manually, one space at a time. It would be really nice if there were a way to do them all at once.
@Elizabeth McIntire While there is not a way to change the default color for the space at this time, you can change the color of several at once.
1. Select the first space you wish to change2. Hold down the shift key and select the last space. (You can do control instead if the ones you want to select are not all grouped together)
3. Right click and select properties.
4. Adjust color. This should change the colors for all the selected spaces.
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Is there any way to change multiple spaces at once if they are on different pages?
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@Elizabeth McIntire not to my knowledge. I tested out a few different ways and was not able to get it to work. I can do every space on a page but not multiple pages at once.
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