The new Hide (selected markup) option in Revu is my new CAD Selection Cycle tool!

Shanoc Halliday
Shanoc Halliday Posts: 39
edited August 2024 in Peer Support

I know that Bluebeam makes it difficult to select a markup that is under another markup—try selecting a markup four levels deep! BUT! I ran a demo today, and a 💡 went off in my head. Can I make a Keyboard Shortcut from the R21.2 Hide selected markup feature and use it to quickly hide obscuring markups to get to the markup underneath to make the changes I need? And then quickly turn everything back on.

The answer is yeah, it works well 🤘

My chosen keyboard shortcut is Shift + Spacebar.

What are your thoughts?



  • Very nice trick, but this should be a built-in function that Bluebeam provides to all users

  • It's a slick feature, and adding a shortcut makes it better. Thanks for sharing!

  • nharris
    nharris Posts: 1

    @Josh Gebelein This is indeed a built in feature as of Revu 21.2 (Just released at the end of June).

    You can hide markups through the right-click menu and then you can restore them using the button that appears in the upper-left corner. Revu also has a built in menu that allows you to customize the vast number of keyboard shortcuts and commands available with Bluebeam. Just select Revu > Keyboard Shortcuts.

    You don't even have to use Shift + Space…. you can use whatever combo you want!