Add a sort/filter option on Bluebeam Sessions
We would like to arrange all sessions by when they are scheduled to close or finish.
Hi @Joyce Liu,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us about a sort/filter option for Bluebeam Sessions, and we've taken note of your request. While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you. Could you share more detail on how this would help you?
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to collaborating in the future.
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This feature will assist reviewers in comprehending which sessions are approaching their due dates, enabling them to effectively organize their schedules and prioritize tasks. The color coding provides a basic indication of whether a session is due within 7 days, beyond 7 days, or already due. While hovering over the session title reveals more details, managing hundreds of sessions this way can be challenging.,
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Another consideration could be to introduce additional color codings for sessions that are due within three days and one day.
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