Custom statuses for Punchlist

One way we track punchlist items is by marking them "In progress" once an item has been started. That acknowledges the contractor's work, and enables the design team to focus elsewhere.

Currently, the options of Open, Ready for Review, Out of Scope, and Closed don't capture this nuance of the work. Can Punchlist statuses become a customizable list (like Trades and Teams within Settings), or could "In progress" be added to the existing list?

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  • Ken Phelps
    Ken Phelps Posts: 17

    Hello Cass,

    Assuming your talking about Bluebeam Cloud punch status options. Yes, having more diverse options there would be great. Better yet would be the ability to create your own specific terminology for those statuses like you referenced.

    Ken Phelps

    Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD

  • With custom statuses, BB Cloud would need to incorporate that setting into a Project Template or better yet, an Organization Setting where you'd manage those statuses. Otherwise, you'll be creating those custom statuses on every single project.

    Dwane Lindsey

    FGM Architects

    Architectural Applications Director

  • @Ken Phelps Yes, thanks for that clarification—I did mean Bluebeam Cloud punchlist but didn't specify. And good call, @DwaneLindseyFGM , an Organization Setting so these custom statuses are global to your account/organization.