Looking forward to sharing and learning information.
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👷♀️ Name: Hello! My name is Charlotte. I am excited about this BB Community for shared learning and HOW TO tips!
⛏️ My go-to BB feature: TOOLS → MARKUP → IMAGE → FROM FILE → sketch overlay using TOOLS → MEASURE → SET SCALE → CUSTOM → CALIBRATE → TOOLS → MARKUP
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Bluebeam is my absolute favorite application!
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👷♀️👨💼 Name:Alfredo Quintanar
🛠️My go-to feature is scaled dimensioning and Studio Sessions,
I am looking forward to learning from this community.
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Very impressed with how comprehensive the Bluebeam application is. Can't wait to learn more about labs.
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Name: Alan
Favorite feature: Many of them! Particularly those that help me in doing takeoffs off drawings!
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Blue Beam is the best for all construction related items. Love how easy it is to learn, operate and the connectivity between devices is seamless.
I don't have go-to bluebeam feature because ALL of them are great and use them daily.
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👷♀️👨💼 Name: Tim
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is…Count-Measurement
📷️ A picture of you on the job (
picture is optional,and-would-be-boring)
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Hello everyone, my name is Jay and I am the Engineering and Detailing Manager at Saskarc. I live in BlueBeam, I love it and would not succeed without it.
I’m m constantly reviewing and marking up drawings using BlueBeam and my most used tool has to be Cloud+. But there are so many used on a daily basis.
I went through my photo albums, and it doesn’t look like I’ve ever taken a photo with me at my desk, so posting my favorite hobby instead.
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I use Bluebeam Cloud exclusively; so I am not interested in Revu. Open to any suggestions regarding the cloud.
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👷♀️👨💼 Name: Ronan
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is…
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Howdy from Dallas, Texas. My Bluebeam go-to is Markups… all of them.
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Name: Chuck
Being able to break apart documents for easier take off
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Hi everyone. My name is Julie. My go-to Bluebeam feature is markups and shortcuts for those markups.
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Hello Everyone!
😀My Name is Tyrel and I am a controls dept. manager, specializing in lighting controls and integration.
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is… believe it or not… color processing! While its not my favorite or most used, it has become a regular go-to for me to "soften" the look of plan sets and allow my markups, stamps, tools, and shop drawing layouts to overlay with better visibility and clarity.
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⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is:
Studio integration with Newforma1 -
Hello from Texas! My name is David Peck. I'm a survey manager for LJA Surveying in the Houston area. I've used Bluebeam for many years. My go to features are the QAQC markups and digitally signing surveys. I also love to use Bluebeam to enhance complex drawings for presentation to a client for review/discussion.
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👷♀️👨💼 Name:Ed
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature
ease of editing…and collaborating on those edits..
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Good morning Bluebeam community
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My name is David Blanco and my go to feature is statuses. I use them all the time.
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Hey Bluebeamers!
I am LOVING this interaction and thank you all for contributing! Everyone who's participated should have received an email!
Now, let's keep the conversation going! Here's some ideas to help you get started:
—> Take the go-to feature and share how you're using it in the Tips & Tricks!
—> See a feature posted by a peer you'd like to learn more about? Tag them [@mention their name] and ask them a Question about it in Talk Bluebeam.
You can view all discussion topics here —> https://community.bluebeam.com/bluebeam-community/discussions
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Greetings from N Toro, Architect in Los Angeles,
Looking forward to sharing and learning Bluebeam knowledge here.
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👷♀️👨💼 Name: n Toro
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is…
Unflatenning markups📷️ A picture of you on the job
wanabe me in the studio
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My name is Elaine. I am glad I discovered Bluebeam. My go-to Bluebeam feature is the markup panel and STAMPS. Love this program!
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Hey everyone,
My name is Leah and I work with Bluebeam as an estimator for a finish carpentry company.
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is…
My go to features are the tool chest and Studio.
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👷♀️ Name: Leslie Tillman
⛏️ My go-to Bluebeam feature is…Studio Sessions! So convenient for everyone making and addressing markups at the same time!
📷️ A picture of you on the job - We took a team site visit to one of our residential construction projects. Looking at some of the utilities already installed!
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Hi I am Alina. I am enjoying learning about the 3d features.
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My go to feature is Link feature, really speeds things up.
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My name is Angela
Mygo-to Bluebeam feature is Measurement tools for takeoffs.
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My favorite tool is Cloud+. I wish more people would use it and not separate arrows.
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