Batch Slip Sheet Needs to Maintain Bookmarks

Harry Staab
Harry Staab Posts: 2
edited July 16 in Product Ideas & Feedback

When using the Batch Slip Sheet tool, replaced sheets breaks your previously created bookmarks. After slip sheeting, the bookmarks correspond to the order of whatever you slipped in.

For example, if you had a bookmark list of 100 sheets and slip in 10 sheets. The first 10 bookmarks will correspond to the new 10 sheets.

Slip sheets should function similarly to the "Replace Pages" tool (right click a page in thumbnail view). If you check "Replace page content only" bookmarks are untouched.

Batch slip sheets is very helpful, but this issue causes additional unnecessary effort to re-bookmark. Fixing this would be a significant time-saving for our team.

5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • This functionality has bothered me for years. Agree this would be a big help.