Copy pages in Bluebeam for iPad


I´d like to copy and paste an existing page in Bluebeam for iPad. So far it is only possible to insert a new/empty page.

This feature would be very helpfull!!

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Active · Last Updated


  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 50

    Hello @bayha,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this, and we've taken note of your request. We greatly value knowing which features are important to you. Could you share more detail on how this feature would help you?

    Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to collaborating in the future.  

  • bayha
    bayha Posts: 4

    Thanks for contacting!

    We would like to create a form to evaluate the condition of a building.

    Therefore we need a front page with all necessary information and attached to that blank sheets to document specific damages. These blank sheets only show a frame and the emblem of the office, to match our layout.

    Depending of the buildings condition, we need more or less blank pages.

    At the moment it is only possible to insert a completely blank new page. So we are missing our office layout with frame and emblem.

    A solutions is creating the layout as stamp and inserting it on the blank page. However, it´s hard to position the stamp correctly out in the field.

    Another solution is to create the form with several blank pages and delete all unused pages.

    Both solutions are working but inelegant.

    A convenient solution would be preparing one blank pages with the office layout and copying the prepared blank page as often as needed. This feature is already implemented in the desktop version but not in Bluebeam for iPad. Therefore I hope this is an easy feature to implement.

    Thanks so far!