Sessions Record Filter

It would be beneficial if the filter on the Sessions Records window could be enhanced to include a current and/or opened documents option. It can be time-consuming finding mark-ups for a document you are interested in, if there are a few documents in the session being marked-up simultaneously. The Markups List is helpful for this, but not as helpful for a quick check

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  • Stuart, do you mean something other than clicking on the line item in the records list? Currently, if you click that item in the list, it should take you to that markup and even reflect the same zoom magnification that the person who placed it, was at.

    Are you thinking beyond that?

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 416

    @Scott Koenig, I think @Stuart Jones is referring to this…

    Review the Session Record

    Studio keeps a complete record of all activity in the Session. You can generate and save a Session report to your computer at any time during the Session. To generate a Session report:

    1. Report.
      1. Record Summary: Generates a PDF of the Record section from the Studio tab.
      2. PDF Package Report: Compiles a PDF package with the Record Summary and all Session documents.
      3. Combine Files Report: Produces a single PDF containing the Record Summary and all Session documents.
    2. Choose the type of report to create:
    3. Enter the title of the report.
    4. Choose the page size and orientation.
    5. Select OK.

    The report shows a chronological history of all markups, comments, and chat messages added by attendees.

    When you generate a PDF Package Report or Combine Files Report, you can click on any item in the report to jump directly to that location in the PDF .

  • He didn't mention the Record Report, he mentioned the Records Window within the Session. I could see the benefit to having a Filter ability within that window to filter that records list to reflect only whatever file you are looking for markups on, especially if there are 5000 documents in the session.

  • @Scott Koenig / @Luke Shiras ,

    Thanks for your responses. I'm just referring to the record window. I'm aware of the report generator. The filter for the record window would be beneficial for active documents, whereas the generator would generally be used when a document is archived, to avoid excess file generation.
    As @Scott Koenig noted, I believe an expanded filter in the Record window would allow a user to quickly see if mark-ups are being added to documents of interest only.