ungrouping multiple groups at once

Van eijsden
Posts: 2
I use a lot of groups for copying and pasting , and mirroring objects on drawings. So i have a lot of groups that i use in these drawings. I however need to ungroup all of these groups so that the subjects in these groups can be sorted in the markings list. In some drawing i have up to 20 or 30 groups i need to ungroup. So something like ungroup all , or ungroup selected groups would be a nice option for me.
I haven't tried this but can you select them in the markups list and ungroup them from there?
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Negative. The ungroup option is only available for single groups. Ungrouping multiple groups could both be awesome and terrible at the same time. I'd be willing to try out the feature if it were implemented.
BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH
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