Using Revu to Print a document with layers is horribly poor

I have a document with many layers that I can turn on and off. I also use the "configurations" option to save my various layer selections. This allows me to save many different configurations of the layers that are selected. However, the problem is when I need to print something. There is a separate column that shows what layers are printed. These check boxes are not saved in the configuration setting like the layer boxes are. To print what I see on the screen, I have to expand every layer and go through every single check box to turn it on or off so that it matches what I have selected to be visible on the screen. This is just ridiculous, and a huge waste of time. I don't understand why there is even a separate column for printing. When would I ever want to print what I don't see on the screen. Please either get rid of this useless time wasting print column. Or, when I select print, have it always print the selected layers that I selected to view on the screen,
This is a secret way to see who's still using paper.
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