Add custom highlights to toolset

I would like to be able to create a toolset for "Scope of Work". The best way I see to do this is to use the highlighter tool and fill in the "subject" field for the specific scope. Then I highlight the text for that scope and it adds the text to the markup list. I would then be able to export the markup list and send out to subs or write scope. This works great except you can't save the custom highlight tool to a tool set for some reason meaning you would have to reinvent the wheel everytime.
Do you have an example of what you are looking to see?
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Are you highlighting original content in the pdf or markups that someone made?
Either way, I suggest setting up statuses for each of the disciplines/trades. That way, you can set the status of the highlight or other markup to "plumbing" or "OFOI" or "by others." These can then easily be filtered. You can even set colors for each status so it is visually obvious who is responsible.
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Currently the "copy highlighted text into markup list" is a computer/user specific setting that is not associated with the highlighter tool and is not a setting that can be saved in the toolbox. I think the ask here is to allow that setting to be associated with a tool on the toolbox, which would be a nice addition. I'm always struggling with turning that setting on/off, along with freehand vs text highlighting - so if you do it for copy text into markup, it would be nice to also allow the freehand vs text highlighting setting to also be associated.
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