🏷️ How to use tags

Marco M
Marco M Posts: 181
edited January 22 in Community Hub

Tags help categorize the content posted within Bluebeam Community, making it easier for everyone to find specific content. For example, if 15 users tag their content with Markups, all 15 pieces of Markups content with that tag can be viewed by simply clicking the tag within all category pages or the search feature.

Tagging Your Content

The Tags field is available when creating discussions, questions, and ideas. As you type, existing tags will display for you to select.

Search Using Existing Tags

For finding specific content, you will be able to search any tags within any category page.

On desktop, you can also find a list of popular tags on the right side when in a specific category.

You'll also be able to perform a more robust tag search using the Bluebeam Community search page. If there’s a tag you’d like to see that isn’t available, feel free to let us know!



  • bcostlow
    bcostlow Posts: 39

    Cool. Thanks for the rundown. Let's say a user tags something very strangely for some reason and then becomes inactive. Now their conversation is permanently in a filter that makes no sense. Do we have any way to… I don't know… suggest a moderator edit or something like that? I'm pretty sure I'll tag stuff wrong and would hate to be the one adding irrelevant results to other users' filtered results.

    BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 181

    For sure, @bcostlow! Good callout.

    All Staff members/Moderators should be able to edit and make changes. You can always call it out as a reply/comment in the discussion or Private Message.

    The Community Team and I also like to check in on every post just about every day so we're in there making adjustments as well.