Line Measurement

There should be an easy way to get a length measurement for an existing line or polyline without having to redraw it with a measure tool?
That would be pretty awesome but I think that's partially the point in the multitude of measurement tools.
With a line however, you can select the markup and go into the Properties panel. Expand the Layout section and look for 'Length'. Does this get the results you are looking for?
I tested on polylines, arcs, and arrows to. Works like shown below for lines and arrows, but the others just show the vertical and horizontal ranges used to draw the markups. Potentially useful but not likely as readily helpful I'd guess. I pretty much always use measurement tools for lines I draw because of the nature of my job so I don't really run into this much. Hope I helped, and hope you get your workflow improvement you are seeking.
BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH
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