Dark Mode / Invert Colors
It would be fantastic if Revu had a dark mode for the display of PDF's. Just like MS Word has a dark mode for sheets and makes them black and inverses the colors.
Basically would like the PDF background to be black with the colors inverted. Would be great if there was even a configuration menu to custom define the inverse colors so it could be custom tailored.
Hi Jared,
Thanks for posting. This is a great request and something we have heard at various points in the past. What type of work do you do in Revu and how many hours, on average, would you say you spend in Revu?
This is something we'd like to offer in the future and also have some technical work to consider first as part of this. We don't have a date to share as of yet but we'll be sure to keep you updated via this thread.
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Luke, Thanks for responding. I review/design engineering drawings in Revu. Typically exports from Revit. I spend about 30 hours a week doing markups in Revu. Thank you for considering my request.
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I signed into the BB community just to create this exact question. I am staring at construction submittals and blue prints all day and I want the PDF document to be in Dark mode as well. Staring at these sheets all day is like staring into a light bulb.
I would love to see this as a quick toggle button option. Just invert the document. PLEASE and thank you in advance.
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Hi Jonathan and Jared,
Happy to share we will be offering "Dark Mode" with Revu 21.3, targeted for release at the end of September. This was something that we have been considering for some time, and once we were able to do some feasibility testing, we were able to offer this to solve the needs you all described. Thanks for posting and helping us to define the future of Revu!
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Holy smokes. I use bluebeam at least 4 hours a day and just made an account to complain, just to find out THEY ARE ON IT.
Thank the lord above I hope to be able to see for a few more days when i'm older lol
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@BretHallsted They really do listen! :)
Structural Engineer | Florida P.E. #95684
Complete Structural Consulting is Licensed in all 50 States!1 -
Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that Revu 21.3 is now available and it includes Dark Mode!
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