Java SDK to extract Audit Logs for Cybersecurity Anomaly detection
Does BB provide any Java, C#, or Python SDK to extract audit logs so that Cybersecurity tools can do anomaly detection in drawings access?
Pl. provide the links if any that help in the integration of BB data with other products. If Cybersecurity products are already integrated, please share which popular cybersecurity products are supported by default.
Best Answer
Today I found this link for the ReST api ,
however, any tutorial would help to get started on the same to understand how to become a certified developer and have developer account access to BB cloud etc.
- BB Developer Network0
If not SDKs are there any APIs (ReST) etc available for integration and plugin development.. I heard in a webinar from the India BB team that there are ways to integrate.. hence , I am looking for any developer's forum or public content to build plugins
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