Use custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Fleischmann David
Posts: 2
Create a few custom keyboard shortcuts for your most used tools or commands. Not too many, otherwise its hard to remember all of them.
I had problems with overlapping Markups. Therefore I use F1 to hide all markups with a single button, even while using different tools, without anything in the way.
After completing the markup it´s also hidden. Don´t fortget that 😁.
For example "F1" to "Hide Markups" (all Markups) or "Hide" (single Markup´s)
Thank you @Fleischmann David for Sharing this tip!
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You rock, @Fleischmann David! I love that you created a keyboard shortcut for this. I agree - it makes things so much easier.
You should totally copy & paste this and add it under this week's feature highlight!
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