Back button to previous page viewed
It would be helpful to have the option to change the function of the back button from previous view to previous page viewed. I often go to a page an pan around, zoom in a few times and then want to go back to the previous page but I have to hit back multiple times because it cycles through the scrolling and panning.
I understand the request here, and I can get behind the arrows dedicated to pages (since the up & down go forward & backward for pages).
However, the previous and next view hotkeys can be extremely helpful in meetings or redlining and I would hate to get rid of that having a hotkey function.
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Maybe if there were separate tools for "go back to full page" versus "back to the previous view".
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I would like there to be an option under preferences to not include zoom actions in the previous-next view list. Just have the option to change the behavior, not add more buttons
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